VaxiBuddy – A Pediatrician's Practice Management and Vaccination Reminder Software
1st Time In Indian History A Comprehensive Web Based (Online) Pediatric OPD & Vaccination Software
The unique features of VaxiBuddy Software are:
VaxiBuddy Software is the first of its kind software in the country which is web based, managing complete pediatric OPD practice and vaccination online. (ONLINE SOFTWARE)
VaxiBuddy Software does not require any download or installation on PC and can be accessed anywhere around the world on web while you are on the move.
VaxiBuddy Software is first of its kind “pediatric practice software” that store your data on dedicated server on internet so no risk of losing your precious data of your patients by your computer or hard disc crash.
VaxiBuddy Software is first of its kind “pediatric practice software” in INDIA that gives a facility to doctor to customize his/her vaccination schedule according to his/her need.(CUSTOMIZABLE VACCINATION SCHEDULE)
VaxiBuddy Software is the only pediatric vaccination software available in India which give SMS reminder for missed vaccine (CATCH-UP VACCINATION) along with routine vaccination reminder. (MISSED VACCINE REMINDER)
- VaxiBuddy Software maintains a complete track record of each & every pediatric patient and his vaccination and helps in augmenting retention of old patients and recruitment of new patients.
- VaxiBuddy Software has USP that it give your patients a facility to log in & view their child’s pending and given vaccine (full immunization schedule) along with how their child is growing (GROWTH CHART) sitting at their home or office.
- VaxiBuddy Software has a unique feature that it give your patient detail knowledge about the benefit & necessity of giving each and every individual vaccine. (What is this vaccine, Which disease this vaccine will prevent and what are the consequences of not giving this vaccine for child.)
- VaxiBuddy Software is very comprehensive, easy to use, fully customized software for all type pediatrics OPD, clinics and practice.
- VaxiBuddy Software is fully customizable software. In a few minutes, it can be set up to work as the Doctor does. Its user-friendly operations enhance the pleasure of working with it, making it an integral part of practice, as time goes by.
- VaxiBuddy Software is available online with a complete, explanative DEMO and help on every page.
- -Add hospital
- Maintain complete record of referring hospital data and name of hospital where child is born including full address.
- Improved search by name
- -Edit & Delete
- Can edit and delete hospital record at single click.
- -Add doctor
- Maintain complete record of person data of refer doctor like DOB, Marriage anniversary, Refer Doctor’s kids Birthday ect.
- Improved search by name
- -Edit & Delete
- Can edit and delete doctor’s record at single click
- -Add venor
- Can add as many vendors as required.
- Reminder will be send to these vendors for vaccine supply if activated at stock exhaustation.
- -Edit & Delete
- Can edit and delete vendor record at single click.
Here you can do all activities related to patients.
- Patients’ personal details on mouse click.
- It allots unique ID (UHID) to each patient for all his future correspondence.
- Important details like Date of birth, Age and expected Ht and length at that age related to a patient displayed on every important page itself.
- Expected height of a patient calculated at the time of patient registration and displayed at vaccine entry page also.
- Patient’s history retrieved / printed on a single click.
- Edit and update patients person information
- VACCINE ENTRY-Here you can enter vaccines given to a particular patient- In this
- By default Vaccination due date is calculated by patient birth day but you can modify the due date and can give new date to patient if particular vaccine is delayed or not taken at recommended date.
- As you enter vaccination date (Given Date), due dates of the next associated vaccines will be automatically corrected. This is for the linked (Associated) vaccines. ex. If DPT 1st is given on
- In Vaccination schedule as you enter Vaccination date (given date) actual age is automatically calculated and displayed.
- Desired Wt, Ht & HC (3rd, 97th percentile & Mean)of the child at that age(Actual age) will be automatically displayed.
- Have facility to add remark in Vaccination remark:-you can use
- Given by me-If given by me.
- Given Out-If given elsewhere.
- Not Recommended-If vaccine is not recommended.
- Advised but not taken-Vaccine advised but not taken by parents.
- Not Taken- If vaccine is not taken earlier.
- Not Applicaple-If particular vaccine is not recommended to a patient & you want not to deliver SMS for it.
- Brought from outside-If vaccine is brought from outside by parents.
- Expected Height of the child(MPH) is displayed on top at Vaccination Schedule page also (If calculated at the time of patient Registration). Otherwise it will show formula for calculation.
- From vaccination Schedule page one can go directly to-
GROWTH CHART-To view (graphs)growth chart of the child
ADD BILL-To create the bill of the given vaccine.
- BILLS- To view all the previous bills of that particular patient.
- PATIENTS- To see the list of all patients.
- ADD PATIENT- Even you can add new patient from here.
- SETTLE DUE option will be seen only if any dues pendency is there of this patient, otherwise it will not be seen.
- You have facility to select vaccine brand name in vaccine make column.
- Have facility to enter the site of vaccination for future reference right thigh, left thigh etc.
- One can see the growth chart of the patient directly from this option
- Allow user to set Print orientation for Growth Chart. Export to excel and allow user to set print orientation and also other properties for print.
- Here you can see the list of your all patients.
- You can do any patient related activities here.(Update pt detail, vaccine entry, To see Growth chart, To create bill and to view bill).
- Can edit or update patient information very easily.
- You can import your all previous patient data from this facility to your VaxiBuddy account.
- You can generate chart for all of these at one click or one by one as you wish.
One can search a patient by his UHID no., name, date of birth, mobile No. & even by time of registration.
- Here you can maintain your inventory and keep record of all product purchased (i.e. vaccines or any other product) with minimum and maximum alert.
- Facility to apply GST on MRP or PTR (Price to retailer.
- Facility to provide discount or not.
- Facility to delete the record of particular item.
- You can add vaccine to vaccine stock including make, batch no & expiry which will be shown in bill-cum-reciept.
- Vaccination billing is related to vaccine stocks.
- Facility to specify the buying and selling price when entering purchase.
- Vaccine order reminders can be set for individual vaccines.
- Selling price will be displayed in in bill-cum-reciept automatically
- GST will be automatically pick up from the product master.No need to enter GST again.
- Also facility to enter free doses of vaccines in purchase.
- Can view purchase bill from here also.
- Here you can see total quantity of vaccine purchased and remaining available stock of vaccine of a particular batch along with expiry date and vendor name with invoice number also.
- Can view purchase bill also from here.
- Generate vaccine bills for the patient.
- Make/Batch and expiry/Remark is optional on printout. (Optional).
- Vaccine expiring first will be taken first automatically. It will show on the top compare to others.
- Can generate bill for consultation and other clinic activities like Nebulisation, Injection charges etc.
- Facility to correct a wrong entry in bill.
- Transfer all details to receipt on single click.
- Facility to print bill no. in every receipt.
- Print accounting year in receipt beside receipt no.
- Print UHID number on receipt.
- Facility to print single or double copy as per choice.
- Facility to accept payment by cash, card, cheque and other wallet like PAYTM also.
- Facility to enter cheque number in bill for future accounting.
- Facility to give discount in percentage or flat.
- Can take partial payment divided in all payment methods.
- Can view all bill of the patient in single click.
- Facility to deposit due amount in single click in billing.
- One can view final due amount of the patient in RED colour.
- Can view all receipt of a patient in single click.
- One can clear the due amount of the patient against any bill here.
- Here you can again print a particular bill.(Duplicate Reciept cum Bill).
- Facility to keep track of cash received and discounts given. Facility to keep track record of multiple receipt generated against a bill or all receipt generated in a specified date range.
- You can assign multiple sub users to operate your account as per your plan subscribed.
- You can give access to different area of your account as per your choice.
- Welcome (Registration)SMS and
- Registration information SMS is delivered at the time patient registration itself mentioning patients UHID & PASSWORD for future correspondence & for LOG IN into “Patient Area” by patient itself.
- “Vaccine due SMS” is delivered automatically to patients at the due dates of vaccines.
- Send any “New vaccine available SMS” from here.
- Send “Payment due SMS” from here.
- Send “Appointment information SMS”.
- Send “Clinic change time SMS” to all patients in single click.
- Send “Clinic Off SMS” in single click to all your patients.
- Better Contacts, Better Relations- Convey best wishes through SMS (Optional).
- Send “Patient Birthday Wish SMS”.
- Send “Doctor Birth Day Wish SMS”.
- Send “Refer Doctor Anniversary SMS”.
- Send “Doctors Kids Birth Day wish SMS” from here.
- Customised SMS:- This is USP of the “VAXI-BUDDY SOFTWARE” that you can send your customized sms to all your patient at single click.
- Default SMS are there but can create templates for Custom SMS according to his need.
- SMS can be sent to a patient on multiple mobile numbers.
- Send bulk SMS for vaccine reminder
- Send “Health check up camp SMS” from here.
- Send Quick SMS on any cell phone.
- You can activate or deactivate any type SMS by just a mouse click.
- You can set how many times sms should be given by selecting nofication option according to your need
- Vaccine reminder is also send on e-mail of the patient
- Can generate list all the registered patient.
- Can print patient list with address and telephone number and other contact details.
- Can export the patient list to other format like xlsx,xls,csv and txt format also.
- ABOVE ALL it analyses Patient Data to-
- A Find out the number/details of new / old / lost patients during a period.
- A Find out the numbers of vaccine and non-vaccine patients.
- A Find out the number/details of patients with a specific disease.
- A Find out the number/details of patients referred by a certain doctor.
- A Find out the number/details of patients coming from particular city & areas.
- One can see the list of the all the patients whose vaccination is pending in coming days.(Due vaccination report)
- One can see the number of the patient whose vaccination is to be done in coming specified period
- One can see the list of all the patients whose vaccines are already given (Given Vaccination Report).
- One can also see the list of all the patient who has not taken the vaccine on time (Overdue Vaccination Report).
- Can see the list of all the patients whose vaccines are due for coming particular period.
- Can see the all next due vaccines of the particular patient.
- Here one can see all the given vaccines of a particular patient.
- Here one can see all the due vaccine of a particular patient.
- Here one can see the all the overdue vaccine of a particular patient.
Stop the all patient related activities like vaccine entry, Billing, Vaccine reminder SMS if the particular patient is shifted elsewhere or expired. It will not be displayed in any type of list.
- Display remaining days for software registration.
- Display number of messages remaining.
- Displays near expiry vaccines & products.
- Displays minimum stock vaccines.
The software comes with an in-built help that guides you through the entire software at every page along with you-tube links see all the HELP VIDEOS of every page.
- VaxiBuddy Software is an effective tool for patient data management, retrieval and analysis. It is a product designed to win hearts – both of the Doctors and the patients.
- VaxiBuddy Software organizes patient care better, with lesser efforts thereby increasing doctor’s efficiency - allowing them to concentrate more on patients than on paperwork; resulting in increased respect and continuous patronage from their patients.
- VaxiBuddy Software helps effortless maintenance of all records, to meet doctor’s personal and also all statutory requirements